Posted by : HKProject October 17, 2013

Click here if you haven't read chapter 1

And we're back baby. Anyways, the next thing I'm going to talk about are skins on Osu! Skins are a neat little feature that's in the game. You can mod your game to look how you want and you can actually do some pretty neat things. For example, if you're playing some of the harder beatmaps, there are a lot of beats. You can remove all those numbers that pop up by skinning over it. It's possible by just replacing the numbers with a blank image. There's so much to skin in the game that it's almost a new game when you skin over everything you can. Almost every single thing in the game can be changed. The only exceptions is the title screen and multiplayer screen (which you can mod by donating). The other thing that's pretty notable are combo-bursts. They're a small image that pops up every time you reach a fifty hit combo. It's a pretty cool feature that they implemented. However the thing that's really cool is that you can mod that too. So if you have a favourite character from an anime (they usually end up looking the best) or something similar, you can have that character pop up when you get a combo-burst!

The other thing I want to talk about are the mods in the game. The ACTUAL mods. The difficulty multipliers are as follows : Hard Rock, Double time/Nightcore, Sudden Death/Perfect, Hidden and Flashlight. Hard rock multiplies your score by 1.06x, and the difficulty increase is that the song gets well..harder. It makes the beats smaller and they're in harder to reach places. The next one is double time, which doubles the speed the song is. Of course this also makes everything twice as fast including the song itself and the beats. Nightcore does the exact same thing except it makes the song sound as if Alvin and chipmunks were singing it. The multiplier for both of these are 1.12x. Sudden Death is where if you miss a single beat, you fail the song as the name implies. Perfect is even more unforgiving as it makes you get a perfect on every single beat. This means you have to get an SS rank no matter what. However, the thing about this mod is that you don't get any score multiplier for doing this and is only a fun thing to do. The next mod is hidden. This makes everything essentially invisible. You do get a cue for each beat but they pop up for a second then disappear right away. The multiplier you get for this mod is 1.06x once again but a cool thing about this mod is that it's the requirement for the silver S and silver SS ranks. Finally, we have flashlight. This is probably the hardest mod of the three as it makes your entire screen (except an area) black. The only area that is not blacked out is around your cursor essentially making it a, "flashlight". It requires you to pretty much memorize the entire beatmap and play it like that. The multiplier for this is 1.12x.

This still isn't everything! I'll have one more post about this, next time! So until then, stay tuned for the next chapter!


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