Posted by : HKProject October 4, 2013

         Welcome to my first post! Since we're using a theme about a person, might as well make the first post about her! An introduction might be nice, don't you think? Anyways her name is Miku Hatsune. How is she in any way related to music? Well, she's a vocaloid. What's a vocaloid you ask? Well, a vocaloid is a program made Yamaha. Miku Hatsune uses both the Vocaloid 2 and Vocaloid 3 synthesizers. Miku Hatsune is made by Crypton Future Media. Miku Hatsune is basically a program that you can buy to produce music. You need to provide your own music, but Miku Hatsune is designed to sing.

          Nowadays, she's incredibly popular and there are few who don't know her if they browse the internet often. How she rose to popularity was thanks to a site called, "Nico Nico Douga". The site is the Japanese equivalent of Youtube. Through this site, she rose to popularity incredibly quickly. This site has a 'ranking' system which displays popular videos. When the Miku craze was still rampant, videos of her were almost always on that ranking. Amazingly enough, her influence spread to many other things such as games, manga and anime. Not only has Miku affected the Japanese market, she has also affected the west as well. I would be surprised to find a lot of people who don't know who Miku Hatsune is. To add onto her popularity, she's also had a couple of concerts as well, all of them being well-received. I think that just about sums up her, I hope you learned something!


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